Julia Hinc
- K-taping® in speech therapy
- Elements of manual therapy and osteopathy in speech therapist’s work
- Modular training MFS “Interdisciplinary approach to oral motor disorders, posture, and speech disorders. MFS motor function stimulators – new trends in the diagnosis and treatment of bite and pronunciation issues”
- Elastic therapeutic taping in speech therapy/neurospeech therapy in the approach of Esther de Ru
- Comprehensive diagnosis and therapy of dysphagia in adults and children
- Echo echolalia. How to work with echolalia in children with ASD?
- AAC – augmentative and alternative communication methods for children with special communication needs
- Ankyloglossia in newborns and infants
- Logorhythmics – movement, hearing, word©
- Practical course on alternative and augmentative communication methods part 2
- Simultaneous-sequential reading learning®
- Oral feeding challenges for children fed via PEG and tube
- Practical course on alternative and augmentative communication methods part 1
- Early diagnosis and speech therapy stimulation in newborns and infants
- ©GORA – Gestures illustrating articulator movements
- Feeding support for children with cerebral palsy
- Effective intervention in the case of true sigmatism (interdental, lateral, dentalized pronunciation, etc.)