Preoperative SDR Rehabilitation Programs

gipsowanie kończyn dolnych

Description of the Course

Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) is one of the methods for treating spasticity in the lower limbs. The operation involves cutting a selected part of the sensory fibers running in the dorsal roots of the spinal nerves. By cutting these fibers, we reduce the amount of sensory impulses reaching the spinal cord, which in turn reduces the amount of motor impulses going to the muscles, thereby reducing spasticity.

Szybka interwencja w 24h

Wypełnij formularz z informacjami o Twoim dziecku. W 24h dostaniesz odpowiedź wraz z propozycją dopasowanej indywidualnie terapii

One of the most critical elements before undergoing SDR surgery is for the patient to undergo intensive physiotherapy, the goal of which is to prepare the body for the procedure. It is crucial that on the day of the surgery, the patient's muscles are correctly stretched and the tissues are flexible. During pre-surgery therapy, we pay special attention to working on muscle strength, balance, and coordination.

stół pionizacyjny
chodzik dla dzieci

Goals of the Course

  • Instruction and education for caregivers
  • Preparation of a long-term therapy plan encompassing the time before and after the operation
  • Maintenance and improvement of range of motion
  • Improvement in muscle strength, motor coordination, and balance
  • Enhancement in the child's locomotion
  • Selection of orthopedic equipment (orthoses, walkers, crutches, and others)
  • Functional state evaluation using GMFCS, GMFM

Applied Methods

  • Functional electrostimulation (wireless) using rectangular currents
  • Gallileo Platform
  • Water treadmill
  • NDT Bobath
  • PNF
  • Manual therapy
  • Soft tissue therapy
  • Kinesiotaping
  • Sensory integration
  • Treadmill walking training/ overhead treadmill training
  • Training with stair trainer
  • Exercise casts/ serial casting
  • UGUL

platforma wibracyjna Galileo
stół pionizujący dla dzieci

Used Equipment

  • Gallileo Platform
  • Functional electrostimulation (wireless)
  • Water treadmill / overhead treadmill
  • Training with stair trainer
  • Standing frames
  • Massagers
  • Prodrobot/ Innowalk
  • MotoReck
  • Olinek Suit/ Spider Suit
  • Exercise casts/ serial casting
  • (equipment is selected individually according to each child's capabilities and needs)

Turnus Details

  • 3 weeks
  • 2 hours of functional therapy daily
  • 1 hour of prodrobot or innowalk (depending on functional status)
  • 1 hour of positioning
  • 1 hour of hand therapy

When purchasing a package (5 hours of therapy x 15 days), you receive a 10% discount off the full price of the course. We offer the possibility of individually tailoring the rehabilitation program to the needs and capabilities of the patient. We reserve the right to change the duration and type of therapy based on an assessment of the patient's functional status by the therapist and consultations with the guardian. * The condition for the promotional price is the completion of all therapy hours during the course. We recommend an individual consultation with a physiotherapist before starting the course in order to plan therapy. Please bring your current medical documentation (MRI, X-rays of the hip).

I recommend an individual consultation with a physiotherapist before starting the course in order to plan therapy. Please bring your current medical documentation (MRI, X-rays of the hips).


Aleksandra Rosłoniec, M.Sc.