Daniela Kowalicka
- NDT Bobath Basic
- Sensory Integration I and II level
- Tomatis Method
- Hand Therapy I and II level
- Soft Tissue Therapy and dynamic taping in Pediatrics
- Functional assessment and therapy of vision in visually impaired children
- Orthoptics – basic therapy and diagnosis course
- Practical course on alternative and augmentative communication methods (AAC)
- Assisting Hand Assessment (AHA)
- Gait Analysis in Cerebral Palsy
- Kinesiology Taping
- Interdisciplinary treatment of children with cerebral palsy WANDAFONDS
- Therapy of the oral-facial tract
- Orfit orthosis and splinting methods with thermoplastics – Stanley
- Hand therapy workshops with Foteini Zografou
- Workshops on playing with disabled children, University of Bergamo
- Study visit at the Dvora Agmon Development Center, Israel