Aleksandra Rosłoniec
- NDT (Neuro-Developmental Treatment) Bobath Basic
- NDT (Neuro-Developmental Treatment) Bobath Baby
- Prechtl’s Method of the Qualitative Assessment of General Movements – basic course
- Hand therapy
- Sensory Integration Level I
- PNF (Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation) – basic course
- PNF in pediatrics
- Spastic hand – etiology, diagnosis, treatment
- Therapeutic massage
- AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication)
- Therapy of the oral-facial tract in children
- Gait analysis in pediatrics
- Management of orthotic equipment
- Segmentation and kinematic approach to rehabilitation
- Kinesiotaping – basic course
- Kinesiotaping in pediatrics
- Hand therapy Level I and II
- Examination of a child with Cerebral Palsy in terms of gait analysis
- Soft tissue in pediatrics
- MAES Therapy – (Movement Analysis and Education Strategies)