Katarzyna Chmielewska
- Deep Tissue Massage in a Clinical Approach
- Kinesio Taping Fundamentals and Advanced (KT1 & KT2)
- Workshop: Lumbar Spine – Examination and Therapy
- Participation in an open lecture: Psychosomatics in the work of a physiotherapist (lecturers: T. Myers, M. Randolph, W. Cackowski)
- Training “Rehabilitation of children with neurological deficits based on contemporary neurophysiological methods and personal experience”
- Dry Needling Course – Basic and Advanced Modules
- Course on Hand Therapy for children with neurological issues
- Symposium “Advancements in MPDZ Therapy – New Technologies”
- Workshop “Shoulder Girdle in Postural Disorders”
- Babywork – Muscular-fascial relaxation in pediatrics. (MSc Damian Czerwik, Anatomy Trains Structural Integration therapist)
- “Prevention and Treatment of Hip Dislocation in the Course of Cerebral Palsy”