Marcelina Przeździęk
- NDT (Neuro-Developmental Treatment) Bobath
- NDT (Neuro-Developmental Treatment) Bobath Baby
- Elastic Therapeutic Taping in Head, Neck and Orofacial disorders
- Vitalstim – use of electrical stimulation and sEMG in swallowing disorders and selected speech therapy problems
- Introduction to AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) for people with multiple disabilities Level I and II. Instructor: M. Jerzyk
- M-CHAT – R/F Tool – practical use in monitoring child development. Instructor: Synapsis Foundation
- Therapeutic Feeding Human Touch. Instructor: M. Habik
- Basic issues of therapy and education of children with autism. Organizer: Synapsis Foundation
- Therapy of swallowing and feeding disorders. Nutritional treatment of patients with SMA – oral feeding and enteral feeding
- Strategic method of phoneme improvement in peripheral dyslalia. Instructor: D. Pluta – Wojciechowska
- Infant at a speech therapist II. Shortened lingual frenulum in infants – a practical approach. Instructor: Dr. M.Machoś
- Involving parents in the therapeutic process. Competence of an AAC specialist. Instructor: Monika Jerzyk
- Rehabilitation of voice disorders. Instructor: Dr. B. Sambor
- Module I and II of the comprehensive RCM (Rodolfo Castillo Morales) course. Instructor: M. Pernuzzi
- Orofacial therapy and its impact on the development of feeding functions and speech in children at risk with neurological disorders and adults. Instructor: Dr. T. Kaczan