Description of the Course
Spasticity is the main cause of the development of secondary problems. Botulinum toxin is used to indirectly reduce spasticity. Children who have increased muscle tension can develop secondary problems, such as muscle contractures and joint deformities, which impair their function. The use of botulinum toxin treatment results in a reduction of muscle tension, allowing the child to gain better motor control and muscle balance in the joints. This translates into an improvement in the range of motion. The effects of treatment are even greater and more durable if combined with other therapies such as functional physiotherapy, orthoses, exercise casts or serial casting.
For individuals with cerebral palsy in the form of hemiplegia, diplegia, quadriplegia, and GMFCS levels I to V, it is best to plan the rehabilitation session shortly after receiving botulinum toxin treatment (within 1 month of the injection) when its effects are strongest. For children who are experiencing a reduction in the range of motion in their lower limbs, difficulties in wearing orthoses, standing, or have undergone botulinum toxin treatment, starting the rehabilitation session immediately or within a maximum of 3 months after the injection will yield the best results.

Goals of the Course
- Improvement in range of motion
- Enhanced mobility in the lower limb joints
- Improvement in alignment
- Increased patient mobility
- Preparation for new functional possibilities
- Gait retraining for highly functioning patients
Applied Methods
- Wireless functional electrical stimulation with square wave currents NMES FES
- NDT Bobath
- Manual therapy
- Soft tissue therapy
- Kinesiotaping
- Gait retraining: treadmill gait training/ gait training with suspension, Prodrobot, Innowalk
- Stair training using a stair simulator

Used Equipment
- Wireless functional electrical stimulation
- Treadmill/ treadmill with suspension
- Stair simulator
- Standing frames with tilt-in-space
- Massagers
- Prodrobot/ Innowalk
- Olinek Suit/ Spider Suit
- MotoReck
- Gallileo Platform
Turnus Details
- 3 weeks
- 1 session of 2.5 hours per day
- 1 hour per day of Prodrobot/ Innowalk or 1 hour per day of aquatic treadmill for children at levels I, II, III
We offer the option to individually tailor the rehabilitation program to meet the needs and possibilities of each patient.
Please note that we reserve the right to modify the number of hours and type of therapies based on the functional assessment conducted by the leading therapist and consultation with the caregiver.

We recommend an individual consultation with a physiotherapist before starting the turnus to plan the therapy. Please bring along your current medical documentation, including MRI, cranial ultrasound, X-rays/ultrasound of the hips, hospital discharge summary, and any documents confirming the diagnosis.