Description of the Course
We begin the rehabilitation session by performing a test to assess the child's condition using the CHOP-INTEND, HINE, or HFMSE scales. We then conduct an examination and evaluate muscle strength and the range of motion in the child's joints. Thanks to such an examination, it is possible to assess the child's potential and tailor the therapy. For the weakest children, we start with motion stimulation in relief and the acceptance of higher positions. It is very important to protect the joints from deformations as early as possible and to choose the appropriate orthopedic and orthotic equipment. We stimulate movement and strengthen the muscular strength of the upper limbs and teach agency and play using toys with a switch and virtual reality.
For children who have greater abilities, we teach independent position changes and movement using an electric wheelchair, manual drive, or special bike. We focus on independence in the range of available self-service, such as dressing, washing, eating, and playing. We pay great attention to breathing exercises and strengthening muscle strength with individually selected relief or resistance. It is possible to adjust the equipment used by the child or to try out various types of equipment in the presence of a therapist.

Goals of the Course
- Restoration of range of motion and mobility
- Strengthening of muscle strength
- Teaching independent position changes and acceptance of higher positions, individually tailored to the child's abilities
- Teaching the use of switches and joysticks
- Assistance in selecting appropriate orthotic equipment (orthoses, AFO, kafo, hkafo, rigid braces, soft braces, etc.)
- Help in selecting and fitting equipment (seats, chairs, standing frames, night supports, walkers, wheelchairs, etc.)
- Teaching independent wheelchair driving, including electric wheelchairs
Applied Methods
- Functional electrical stimulation using rectangular NMES currents
- Galileo Platform
- NDT Bobath
- Manual therapy
- Soft tissue therapy
- Kinesiotaping
- Gait training and stimulation: treadmill training / suspended treadmill, prodrobot, inowalk

Used Equipment
- Functional electrical stimulation
- Galileo Platform
- UGUL system for exercise with relief and resistance
- Spider System
- Prodrobot
- Innowalk
- Treadmill / suspended treadmill, water treadmill
- MotoReck
- Upper limb training using Timoco virtual reality
- Toys with a switch
- Electric wheelchair, Go-baby go
- Standing frames with visiting
- NF-walker and other walkers
- Specialized bicycles
- Olinek
Turnus Details
- 2 weeks
- 2 hours of physiotherapy
- 30 min with prodrobot / inowalk / timoco / water treadmill
- 2.5 hours per day
- We recommend an individual consultation with a physiotherapist before starting the rehabilitation session to plan the therapy
- Bring your current medical documentation with you (MRI, hip X-rays, hospital discharge summary, medical recommendations, etc.)