Paulina Dzwoniarska

Paulina Dzwoniarska

  • Zippy’s Friends Positive Education Center (2019)
  • Little Toddlers! Creative Logorhythm Workshops. Katarzyna Stępień (2019)
  • Methods of Creative Child Development. Art Field. Art Field – Małgorzata Michberg (2019)
  • Speech Therapy for Children on the Autism Spectrum. Renata Bronisz (2020)
  • Feeding Therapy. The Importance of Primary Functions in Speech Development. Beata Białas (2020)
  • Myofunctional Diagnosis. Aleksandra Rosińska (2021)
  • Speech Therapy Massage for Children from the Basics. Aleksandra Kożdoń (2021)
  • Myofunctional Therapy – Vertical-Horizontal Tongue Position. Breathing. Beata Białas (2021)
  • Yoga in Speech Therapy – Yoga as a Support for Myofunctional Therapy. Aleksandra Rosińska (2021)
  • Feeding Training. Therapist’s Practical Workshop. Agata Kalina (2021)
  • Tongue Frenulum – Diagnosis, Preparation, Postoperative Care. Aleksandra Rosińska (2022)
  • Infant at the Speech Therapist’s Part I. Dr. Marzena Machoś (2022)

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