„Pirate” rehabilitation cycle - Constraint-induced movement therapy (CIMT)
Based on the principles of constraint-induced movement therapy, it is the first such physiotherapeutic program in Poland. Its guiding theme is Pirates who are setting off on a sea journey, in search of adventures. The therapy was developed as a result of the joint effort of highly qualified therapists working in our centre. Thanks to special scenography, props, costumes and music, this creative physiotherapy is extremely entertaining for children. Therapy of this kind is successfully carried out in many countries in western Europe, in Australia or the USA.
Pirate rehabilitation cycles are meant for patients with cranio-cerebral injuries, brachial plexus injuries and a number of neurological problems. Children who have one upper limb stronger than the other are often seen not using the weaker one. Despite the fact that motor and functional capabilities are maintained in the weaker limb, the child prefers to use the stronger one to be more effective and faster in everyday life. The goal of the therapy is to activate the weaker upper limb through intensive training, shaping and graduating the desired movement, with the exclusion of the stronger (healthy) upper limb, by means of wrapping it with a bandage.

The Pirate cycle is 2 weeks (10 days) long, 2 hours a day. During each session there are 4 patients, each of whom is cared for by a physiotherapist with NDT Bobath certificate. Before and after the cycle Asisting Hand Assessment (AHA) is carried out.