Rehabilitation courses after hip surgery

po operacji bioder

Description of the Course

Disorders within the hip joints are the second most common abnormality concerning the musculoskeletal system observed in people with cerebral palsy. It is estimated that the problem affects 1 in 3 individuals. Reconstructive procedures are indicated for children with a migration percentage above 40%. The goal of the surgical procedure is to provide a mobile, properly aligning, and pain-free hip.

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Wypełnij formularz z informacjami o Twoim dziecku. W 24h dostaniesz odpowiedź wraz z propozycją dopasowanej indywidualnie terapii

In order for the surgery to bring the expected results, prior preparation for the operation, as well as the planning and implementation of postoperative physiotherapy, is necessary. It is also important to introduce and adjust orthopedic equipment, which is needed after the performed procedure. The goal of physiotherapy is the quickest possible return to fitness.

terapia po operacji SDR
stół pionizujący dla dziecka

Goals of the Course

  • Restoring range of motion and mobility
  • Strengthening muscular power
  • Mobilization of the postoperative scar
  • Preparation for verticalization and its initiation
  • Assistance in selecting appropriate orthotic equipment (stander, orthoses, nighttime protection)
  • Gait re-education

Applied Methods

  • Functional electrical stimulation using rectangular currents NMES FES
  • Laser therapy on the scar area
  • NDT Bobath
  • PNF
  • Manual therapy
  • Soft tissue therapy
  • Kinesiotaping
  • Gait re-education: treadmill training / treadmill with suspension, prodrobot, inowalk

dziecko w chodziku
nauka jazdy na rowerze

Used Equipment

  • Functional electrical stimulation
  • Laser
  • Treadmill / treadmill with suspension
  • Stair trainer
  • Standers with abduction
  • Massagers
  • Prodrobot / Inowalk
  • Olinek suit / Spider Suit
  • MotoReck

Turnus Details

  • 3 weeks
  • 2.5 hours of physiotherapy
  • 1 hour with Prodrobot/Inowalk/MotoReck
  • 1 hour in a hyperbaric chamber

When purchasing a package of the rehabilitation course (4.5 hours daily), a 10% discount off the full course price. There's the possibility to individually tailor the rehabilitation program to the patient's needs and abilities. We reserve the right to change the number of hours and types of therapy based on the assessment of the functional state by the leading therapist and consultation with the caregiver. The condition for the promotional price is the realization of all therapy hours during the course.

We recommend an individual consultation with a physiotherapist before starting the course to plan therapy. Please bring your current medical documentation (e.g., MRI, transfontanellar ultrasound, hip X-ray/ultrasound, hospital discharge summary, document confirming diagnosis).

The course is intended for children in the period 6-8 weeks after surgery. A doctor's certificate is required, stating the ability to begin intensive rehabilitation and verticalization. Additionally, a current X-ray of the hips after the operation is required.



ncbi cont.

Mgr. Aleksandra Rosłoniec