Hand therapy
During hand therapy we focus on improving the function of the whole upper limb. Hand is a motoric organ responsible for a number of functions. We use it for lifting and moving objects and for such delicate operations as closing buttons, tying shoe laces or writing. Exercises prepared by our therapists match individual needs and abilities of each child.
In the case of children with hemiplegia, we turn to „forced use therapy” by using plaster, bandages or bands to block the healthy limb and activate the weaker one. We start using this form of treatment with children as young as 12 months. Working with hemiplegic patients, we rely on two tests: AHA and Melbourne.

The aim of hand therapy is also maintaining/extending the range of movement in shoulder joints and improving fine motor skills, which are about precise movements of hands and fingers. A number of our patients have difficulty holding a crayon, pen or scissors so, having carried out an extensive analysis, we also try to support them by selecting some tools facilitating the grip.