Vojta method

metoda vojty

Vojta method

Therapy based on Vojta method is one of the main ones used in neurorehabilitation. It consists in priming some reflexes, which, in turn, leads to the restoration of lost or distorted motor patterns. During stimulation the child is placed in special positions and the therapist presses on selected points on the body, so called, stimulation spheres. On releasing, muscles of the trunk and limbs display coordinated movements as a response.

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Vojta method can be used both as an independent treatment and as a part of other therapies in almost all sorts of motor dysfunctions. Most often it is used in therapy of children with cerebral palsy, peripheral limb paresis, faulty posture, after orthopaedic surgeries and in many other cases. To be effective, the therapy should be carried out a few times a day. It is also very important that parents exercise with their children at home.

Therapy with Vojta method brings durable and fast results, visible from the very first session. The effect of priming is usually maintained for a few hours and at this point the procedure needs to be repeated. A relatively small number of sessions (performed also at home) makes it possible to improve the quality of our patient’s motor functioning.

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