Dietary Restart Program

Dietary Restart Program

The program is designed for children with feeding difficulties and/or swallowing disorders. Infants and young children who are enterally fed through a nasogastric tube or nutritional gastrostomy and who can already eat orally may also benefit from it. The methods and techniques used during the classes will be tailored to the child's abilities (e.g., kinesiotaping, orofacial therapy according to RCM Castillo Morales), as well as the stage of development of the child's food functions. Before the course, I will review the child's documentation, conduct an online interview, and talk with the child's parents, and together we will plan actions for the duration of the course. The goals of these sessions are:

  • to provide sensory information related to eating
  • to familiarize children with the social aspect of eating meals
  • to prepare meals together
  • to gain positive experiences related to eating
  • to prepare the child and caregivers to continue therapeutic work at home

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Upon completion of the course, each child receives a description of achievements from the course, as well as recommendations for further work at home. The content of individual sessions with a speech therapist is tailored to the needs of the young patient but also based on a previously prepared therapeutic work plan aimed at preparing the child for group activities. Depending on his or her needs, instruction in chewing, drinking, exercises in sensory-motor therapy, manual play, and sensory play are conducted. During the course, the work of speech therapists is supported by a psychologist and a dietician. Each of the aforementioned specialists will lead a 1.5-hour workshop.

The daily course fee includes:

  • 30 minutes of electrostimulation treatment of the oral-facial area (using either the Ecostim)
  • 45-55 minutes of neurologopedic therapy focused on the development of feeding functions and feeding training (duration depending on the child's age) + a pre-course online meeting with the child's parents (60min)